Arts & Culture

blue has no borders – charlie phillips

Charlie Phillips is one of the curators of the Folkestone Documentary Festival.  He has a huge CV full of documentary film making and promoting.  He is currently working on a film called Blue Has No Borders which is looking for funding to complete.  With director Jessi Gutch and co-producer Nikki Parrott, the team have been following the story behind the ‘stop the boats’ message.  Folkestone is often mentioned in the news when refugees arrive and it’s easy to paint a simplistic picture of ‘them’ and ‘us’, ‘refugees’ and ‘racists’.  The team wanted to create a film that explored the issues at a community level, and moved beyond these stereotypical labels. Folkelife spoke to Charlie about the film.

“We have worked with 6 local people, delving deep into their lives and reaching out beyond those comfortable bubbles we live in.  Our social networks, in person and online, can so quickly become safe places with like-minded people, and not able to show different opinions and sides to a story.  Before she was murdered by a far right terrorist, MP Jo Cox did a rousing speech in Parliament about how we have more in common than that which divides us. This statement is painted proudly on a wall in the centre of Folkestone, but is it actually true?

“Our director Jessi has spent the last few years deep in the lives of 6 characters embodying hope for a community of messy inclusivity and English identity, traversing racial, political, and class borders, urging audiences to think deeper about what community, neighbourliness, and compassion really mean. It’s shaping up to be a very beautiful, very funny, very touching film.”

filming in folkestone and france

“We’ve been filming for the last 3 years, across Folkestone and in France, to get their view of Folkestone and England.  This film is an unusual one in the documentary market – it’s about everyday people, not celebrities, and a small town, not the big city. It’s about the little details, hopes and dreams of (extra)ordinary peoples’ lives, not a dramatic narrative arc. It’s about trying to find community and compassion, not division and prejudice. And it features an eccentric cast of fascinating people who don’t look like the kinds of people you find in big cities. But that makes it an unfashionable film, especially in the UK.”


“We’re independent film-makers and have a story that is a very important one to tell. It’s kind of a ‘small guys go big’ story from the film-makers as well as the stars of our film.  We need this story to be shared widely, and for that we need help funding the last stretch. To this end we’ve created a crowdfunder.  All the filming is done, and we’re at a point where we have done most of the editing.  We need to finish the film so we can take it to film festivals like our own one, but across the world, to global audiences.  

“Jessi, Nikki and I are multi-award winning film-makers and have lots of experience in making and promoting our films.  The money from the crowdfunder will go on the screen, to pay to finish the edit, do the grade and sound mix, and clear music, so the film can be finished and start its festival run.”

your support

“We’re asking the people of Folkestone and beyond to help us out by supporting this film, and showing that people power and community can win. We believe in creative observational documentaries that show the beauty of people and ignored places, and we can’t wait to introduce Folkestone to the rest of the world.  Your help and support is gratefully valued and received.”

If you would like to support Blue Has No Borders, you can find the crowdfunder at this address:

Heba Blue Has No Borders
Freddy Blue Has No Borders
Blue Has No Border Flyer

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