Preschool Learning in Folkestone
The time has come to consider preschool learning for your child. Whether you are looking for full-time support or part-time socialising activities, there’s a wealth on offer in Folkestone.
Some preschools are situated in or near primary school grounds and so have strong connections with those places of education. Unlike registering for a primary school place with the local authority, preschools are private businesses and so can take any children they wish. Contacting each setting and visiting them to find out how they feel and suit you and your child is the best way to find the right preschool for you.
Free preschool
All 3 and 4 year olds in England are entitled to 15 hours free preschool a week for 38 weeks of the year – the normal school term times. Some children qualify for an extra 15 hours, and some 2 year olds qualify for 15 hours free per week too. This is a national scheme and you can find out how to claim on the KCC website. All preschools will be able to assist you with how to get your free hours.
learning through play
A lot of the learning a preschool child does is through play and interaction with others, be they peers or family members. The preschools on offer in Folkestone make sure that all children have a fun time, with access to safe play materials for their age. There are forest school experiences, and trips to the beach too which help children learn about their environment.
Early Years key stage
In the year before your child starts school, each learning setting will start noting areas of development in your child. They will look at how your child holds and manipulates objects, if they can recognise items and pictures, toys and tools. Each setting also helps your child in preparing for their start at school. You might form friendship groups that will move up together, and that’s as important for the parents as well as the children!
ofsted monitored settings
Ofsted visits all preschool settings and you can find a list of the registered preschools in Folkestone here. Personal recommendation always counts for something too, so check the Folkestone community sites on social media to hear about people’s experiences.